Men's Facts on Hair Loss
Hair loss is defined as an area of the scalp that is no longer covered by hair.
Hair loss is defined as more generalized loss of hair over all the scalp, or over part of the scalp, but hair is still retained in some areas.
Alopecia is a medical term and can be used to refer to baldness or hair loss.
Premature is defined as hair loss occurring early in the life cycle - essentially before age 30 years
Hair loss, which is medically known as alopecia, affects both sexes, male and female.
One of the major hormonal causes of Hair loss or permanent hair loss is dihydrotestosterone - DHA - a form of testosterone converted to its state by an enzyme created in the prostate, scalp and adrenal glands called 5-alpha reductase.
This testosterone causes hair follicles to die and shortens the hair follicles growing cycles, causing the hair grown to be weaker.
Dihydrotestosterone occurs naturally, and is hard to stop from being created.
Age can cause baldness and hair loss,
40% of men have significant hair loss or some hair loss BEFORE they turn 40 years old.
Hair loss that is genetically determined is often irreversible.
Environmental factors can cause hair loss along with some forms of illness.

Women's Facts on Hair Loss
Hair loss due to Chemotherapy and Radiation treatment varies depending on the type of drug administered and what part of the body receives radiation treatment.
Chemotherapy drugs usually damage hair follicles. The result is hair falling out in clumps during stimulation as in brushing and shampooing.
Hair loss can vary among patients and will usually occur within the first few weeks of therapy and progress from there.
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Common Causes of Female Pattern Hair Loss
• Stress
• Poor nutritional diet
• Physical or emotional shock or trauma
• Thyroid problems
• Diabetes
• Anemia
• Drugs - chemotherapy
• Hormonal Changes
• Menopause
• Mistreating the hair with chemical services, braiding, weaves etc.
Female androgenic alopecia - is the classic type of female Hair loss - sometimes referred to as common hair loss. .
Female androgenetic alopecia is common for women's hair loss, and the cause is often stressing induced hormonal changes.
The hair is lost from the top of the scalp and in a diffused way appearing as hair thinning out.
In males it tends to be the front and top.
True female hair loss is very rare unless caused by illness.
Some medications can also cause hair loss.
Chemotherapy almost always causes hair loss.